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University Color Guide!

Grad season is upon us, and you know what that means? Plenty of celebrations, from graduates to acceptances into new schools! Around the country(and world for that matter), are gearing...

Grad season is upon us, and you know what that means? Plenty of celebrations, from graduates to acceptances into new...

Calvin Lee

Hi-Shine Mister spray?!?!

¡Hola a todos! Recientemente recibimos noticias de nuestra buena amiga Kari, @just2party (Instagram), de que la mejor manera de aplicar brillo no es necesariamente con la botella provista. Kari nos...

¡Hola a todos! Recientemente recibimos noticias de nuestra buena amiga Kari, @just2party (Instagram), de que la mejor manera de aplicar...

Calvin Lee

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